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Homeschooling Mother of Two, Licensed Manicurist, Runner, Retired Figure Skater

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Almost Christmas

*5* days left. How did that happen?

Ian is still sick. He managed to get through school but his ear was killing him by early afternoon. His teacher tried to call me and, ironically, she missed me at home and called while I was SITTING IN THE CAR IN THE SCHOOL PARKING LOT. Lily and I had been out with mom in the morning and we headed over to the school early so she could have a nap before I picked Ian up. You can imagine the annoyance factor there. Thus, I am getting a phone for Christmas. I *might* get a camera one since we were thinking of upgrading ours anyway.

I ended up not getting home until 7 p.m. last night. I called the pediatric urgent care and they wanted to see Ian right away to check his ear. I picked J up from work and dropped he and Lily back at home and Ian and I rushed down to the doctor's and waited for an hour and fifteen minutes before he was able to be seen. Thankfully, I had thought to grab a book for us and we plowed through almost half of Dr. Doolittle. Diagnosis: Ear Infection. Oh surprise! So, then we had to drive back to Costco to the pharmacy where the were out of half the medicine he needed thus necessitating a return trip today when Lily wakes up from her nap. Ian cried this morning about missing school. I think he'll be able to make it through the party and mass tomorrow since he's only got a half day and then Christmas vacation starts.

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