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Homeschooling Mother of Two, Licensed Manicurist, Runner, Retired Figure Skater

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Something's always wrong

I was thinking to myself the other night that we all need to worry a little bit more about the big questions in life. For instance, what if aliens come to our planet and steal all the beer and pizza and coffee? THAT would be a disaster.

I'm having a hard time holding it together right now. This last bout of headaches really did a number on my psyche. I've been a crying wreck this morning even sans a headache. I feel like I'm constantly on the edge of another one and that I've been betrayed by my body, victimized by this unnamed (and nearly unmanageable, it seems) disease. There is all this anxiety and anger swirling around in my head and everything seems to make me irate and outraged lately. I'm feeling constantly overtired and irritable and I don't like being myself right now. J made a mean comment to me out of frustration of his own inability to help me deal with this issue and now he feels terrible too. The drugs are helping with my sleep issues but they mess with a lot of other aspects of my body that leave me feeling sort of violated and abused. I have an appointment with the neurologist today and I have a lot to discuss with him.

My brother (one of my favorite people in the world) is having some problems that are dragging him down. Thankfully, he's dealing with it in a constructive and positive manner and I'm so proud of him for being so responsible and mature.

In other news, I splurged and bought myself a new diaper/handbag to celebrate our return to real life. J just got a permanent consulting job which is really helping with our benefits and medical costs.

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