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Homeschooling Mother of Two, Licensed Manicurist, Runner, Retired Figure Skater

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Today was golden

I had one of those rare practices where I skated everything right.  It was like 3 hours of uninterrupted goodness.  All my figures looked better.  My mohawk turns actually had pointed toes and cooperated in both directions. Score one for me since my coach wants to see that before FINALLY teaching me the proper way to do a 3 turn so I can start Figure 7.

A fellow skater actually took time out to compliment my 113 and how smooth and easy it looked.  You could have knocked me over with a feather.  (For the sake of the generosity of the kindness extended, I will overlook the fact that while my edges were pretty clean, I wasn't EXACTLY on the line where I should have been.)  A dad and his little girl came up to me and asked me about taking lessons.  LOL.  I was so flattered and promptly sent them over to my coach.  I so hope that I'll see his little girl at practice soon.  She was adorable in this giant tulle tutu and her little plastic skates.

I really needed a good skating day.  The last two weeks have been a bucket of suck with the exception of passing my tests.

Coach tells me that they actually have enough skaters to separate out the Novice B figures for the competition next weekend.  Super.  At least I don't have to skate against the 12 year olds now.  There are supposed to be 4 competitors in the event.  I'll probably be 4th but that's ok.  Somebody has to be last and maybe next time I won't be.  Unless I can skate like I did today.  I might have a chance if I can be more consistent.

The funniest part of the day:  Coach handing me two cents.  Then telling me to go skate my figures with them balanced on my outstretched hands.  Not a big deal, unless you drop the pennies which I'm sure would inevitably end up under your skate and pitch you into the floor.  Well, phooey on that.  I skated with them and kept those babies balanced.

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