I am feeling much better tonight. My appointment with the neurologist went very well. He really is a very kind doctor which, sadly, isn't something that I've found too often in the various physicians that I've met with over the past few years. He asked me to try a procedure called a nerve block where he gave me a shot of lidocaine in the back of my head to try and determine if the headache was vascular or nerve related. I got a lot of relief almost immediately. So, it appears that the endless headaches may actually be occipital neuralgia. It doesn't preclude the possibility of migraines as well, but is something that is more readily treatable. The next time it gets bad, I'll be going in for another shot of lidocaine and cortisone which should give me more long lasting relief. I'm also going to wean off the heart meds and bump the dose back on the nortriptylene which should eliminate most of the side effects that are currently taking there toll. And we'll add in a sustained release antiinflammatory drug which sould keep things under control most of the time. So, I have some hope that I'll have some changes for the better soon.
Oh, and our new insurance is so much better than our last one. My new prescription was $100 dollars but I only had to pay $5 out of pocket. What an improvement.
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