I'm a little depressed.
Last week was crazy busy. The kids were baptized, we had the kids' birthday party, Uncle Ray came to town to visit, there was another party for the great grandparents 63rd wedding anniversary. When my brother left, my mom went with him back to North Carolina to visit with him for a week.
So, now I'm lonely and in need of some blog therapy.
I'm on this grand adventure to become an educator for Creative. I may actually be crazy to think that I can do this. Technically, getting all the education and practice in this year in time to qualify for my Grand Master status is possible. Then, all I have to do is learn every nuance of every product Creative makes and then be invited after another year to attend training bootcamp. After that, I have to wait for a spot to open up. If I'm going to aim anywhere, I might as well aim high, right?
J has been having a trying time at work so there's some strain there. Mostly, because there isn't really anything I can do to help with that. But, he's unhappy and that spills over into everything else.
I think what is so hard for me is that I need to commit more resources to my work but I don't feel like I can without sacrificing something else. I tried putting Lily into preschool half a day, three days a week. That was a DISASTER. She's much like her dad. Large groups of people she doesn't know really freaks her out. She turned into a quivering, screaming mess. It would start at 7 a.m. and go on until I took her to school where it would escalate into something even worse. So we gave that up. I stuck it out for 3 weeks, but it just wasn't getting any better. My mother and MIL have really stepped up to watch Lily for me and she's happy to go with them. The thing is, I have a really hard time relying on other people. I need to take clients, but I'm afraid to commit.
That's probably the real issue. I might fail. I might not be able to pull this off. I won't know until I commit. If I don't commit, I won't succeed, but if I don't commit, I won't fail either.