About Me

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Homeschooling Mother of Two, Licensed Manicurist, Runner, Retired Figure Skater

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Since I forgot to mention this last night

Best Buy is like hell with fewer preschoolers.

I've never been inside one before but I was trying to find a cd player for Lily. She lives for music. Thus, we ventured to Best Buy.

Never. Ever. Again.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Mountains of lameness

We went out to Taco Bell for dinner. I ordered my usual spicy chicken burrito and shared Lily's nacho cheese and chips. Completely spaced on needing to have two servings of veggies or fruits. Doh! I had to come home and eat oranges since they were the only thing really handy.

Now, I'm trying to remember if they even *sell* fruits or veggies at Taco Bell. According to the Taco Bell website my choices include:

Caramel Apple Empanada
290 cal
15g fat

Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes
290 cal
18g fat

Fiesta Taco Salad
810 cal
46g fat

I think I'll stick with my oranges.

Day Four

The fruit and veggie thing is going reasonably well. The only downside so far is that I don't have time to eat junk food much and I've gained 4 pounds. The weight gain is especially strange since my clothes seem to still fit the same. Overall, I am feeling like I have much more energy.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

30 days

Anyone a Morgan Spurlock fan?

My brother got me started on the 30 days series a few months back. Very interesting, excepting the Binge Drinking Mom episode which was just awful and had no closure at all for that poor mom and her daughter.

But, I've been considering doing my own 30 days. I suppose it's fairly pedestrian but I've been on a Spark People team for a while now and have been tracking what I've been eating regularly. I seem to do just fine with the whole grains and beans and all that, but I'm definitely lacking in the veggies and fruits category. So, off I go onto my adventure of 30 days of 5 a day with the veggies and fruits.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Score at the Salvation Army!

J and I have been wanting to try making Turkish coffee for a while. I saw an ibrik a few months back at the SA and didn't buy it because I it looked familiar but I wasn't sure it was what I was looking for. I haven't seen any since then until today when I found a brass one for a dollar! It just made my day.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

It's gonna be a long year

Lily is three.

Anyone who has/had a three year old daughter knows a secret. They are *insane*. Bossy. Obnoxious. Know-it-alls. To top it off, she's also a brute. Perhaps, though, that comes from being little sister to a big brother. It would be so nice if we could just mute all the screaming parts for the next year.

I've heard crazy talk coming out of her mouth. Crazy talk that came out of Ian's mouth when he was three. Verbatim. I kid you, not. She wasn't even a gleam in my eye then, so she can't possibly have learned it from him. It's even more unlikely considering the fact that all that crazy talk magically disappeared when he turned four.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Highlights of the last 2 days


scrubbed the disgusting shower out
cleaned the carpets
made pizza dough and pizza
made breadsticks for later in the month
made cereal packets to speed the mornings
found a brown nugget on the kitchen table (Yes, it was what you're thinking it was. Potty training sucks.)
neighborhood stray cat attempted to gain asylum from the rain in the house by means of the open door
aforementioned cat perched upon the a/c unit by the window and let me know what it thought of me since I wouldn't let it in


Lily screamed and whined most of the day
bills got paid
mom came to visit
mom didn't leave to go to work
had to ask mom to go home so i could get some peace and quiet
Ian forgot half of his homework

I'm ready for the weekend. I still need to clean the bathrooms and the mess in the garage.